Saturday, March 5, 2011

Darlings, I Have Had It Up To Here With Sycophantic Homosexuals!!!!!!!!!

So, girls, there is this actor named David Costabile. He is sort of a good looking version--or at least somewhat better looking--of John C. Reilly. And he has lots of things to his credit, including a recurring role awhile back on the long running series, "The Office." Now, he has not worked with Meryl yet, though he has with Kate Burton, which is rather impressive. And, in my estimation, he is going to have to go a long way to top his 'SVU' performance as Bruce CLarkson, the sycophantic homosexual, on the "Bully" episode.

I don't know which way David swings, darlings, nor do I really care, but I have to tell you, lambs, he nails it when it comes to this character. And let me tell you I have seen plenty of these types in action. Now, I am the first to admit that not all male homosexuals--save for a few, including MOI, MONSIEUR and OTHERS--are perfect--but the sycophantic homosexual is, next to to one unfortunately riddled with HIV, the most diseased individual out there. And I have much more sympathy for HIV'ers than these types.

To start with, most are Republicans. I know, because I have infiltrated meetings of Gay Republican groups, and I have seen these skeevy pieces of crap in action. They generally hail from some backwater community, plop themselves down in Urbanland, be it New York, San Francisco, Chicago, or whatever, and then try to wheedle their way into the corporate mainstream by selling themselves and kissing up to anyone who will advance them, even if said person is an abusive boss (as in the situation concerning Costabile's character), a pedophile priest, or outright homophobe. They have no self pride or integrity, and as long as they are getting the gravy, they do not care what happens to them or anyone else. It amazed me in the case of Bruce Clarkson (Costabile's character) that he had a partner (who was mentioned, but never seen, which for me called in to question the nature of the relationship), because these types do not do well in any kind of relationship save the one they are having with themselves for ego gratification. And if they are successful enough to weasel their way into some top slot (like, say, Kate Burton's character) then woe to everyone else, because if you thought Kate's character was a piece of work, nothing can compare to one of THESE types in so-called authority. Believe me, honey, I know.

Just as I know not to lay all the honus on corporate America. Hell, one of the greatest sycophantic homosexuals in history was Jerome Robbins; he may have been a genius, but he named names!!!!!!! Inexcusable!!!!!!!!! He probably would have ratted on the Franks in Amsterdam!!!!! He may have been a genius, but do you think I would have worked with him???? No way, Jose!!!!!! But then he would have found out what most of these types do--that I am just too much for you, bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And there were plenty of people who would not work with Robbins, or loathed him directly. Just ask Josh Mostel about his father!!!!!!!!

False obsequity is nauseating, no matter who it comes from. But when exhibited by a group known to be persecuted from childhood, it is like said person is turning against their own kind. Which they are to benefit themselves.

I have never seen a better portrayal of this type then the one David Costabile gives. He is so good I actually hated him more than I did Kate Burton--she was a hoot!!!!!!! And if you are within range of one of these in real life, avoid them like the plague.

I mean, darlings, if you want to kiss up to someone, then kiss up to ME!!!!!!!!!!
What, no takers on my contest???????? You're turning down a free meal???????????

Girls, in my social calendar that is not called integrity. It is called being a fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No fools till April 1, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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