Friday, March 4, 2011

Calling All My Girls, Loves!!!!!!!!

Well, darlings, we are into March, taxes and colonoscopy are out of the way, so we can kick back a little. As I was posting yesterday, I realized that March marks a year I have been doing the Bitch Of The Week columns on Thursday. We started with those lovable scamps, les soeurs Papin, if any of my girls remember.

The actual starting date was March 18 of last year, which this year works out to March 17, which just happens to be St. Patrick's Day. Does this mean the Bitch Of The Week that week has to be Irish???? You tell me, loves. In fact, you DO tell me, because I have decide to institute a contest. I want all my girls who read The Raving Queen to write in, naming who should be chosen BOTW on that day, thus commencing another year of Bitches!!!!!! The winner, darlings--I know you are SO excited, girls!!!!!--gets dinner with MOI, at One If By Land, Two If By Sea!!!!!!!
Bet you never ate this good, dolls!!!!!!

So start thinking. I mean, for 52 times I have had to come up with someone, so let us see what you can all do. And on that day, I will announce Bitch Of The Year for 2010. I can tell you for certain NOW--it is NO contest!!!!!!

May the best bitch win. But just remember, to the Raving Queen, darlings, you are ALL my lovely bitches!!!!!!!!!

Happy Bitch Hunting, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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