Thursday, March 3, 2011

Darlings, There Are Some Bright Spots For Broadway!!!!!!!!

Girls, I have to admit I was not initially thrilled by the thought of Mr. Harry Potter, aka Daniel Radcliffe, in 'How To Succeed,' not because I have anything against him, dolls, but because this show is still remembered by me thanks to the Matthew Broderick redux. I did not see Mr. Radcliffe in his star turn in "Equus," as I had no overt desire to see his willie, which I did anyway, as it was flashed all over the Internet. Still, I wondered if future Broadway appearances would contractually bind him to playing nude scenes. I mean, what if he wants to do "Ah, Wilderness!!!"

Anyway, the word on the street is he is a triple threat charmer in the show--acting, singing, and, remarkably, dancing up a storm. Honey, I may have to check this one out; besides I have always wanted to sing "Happy To Keep His Dinner Warm," which all my girls out there had damn well better know.

And isn't it thrilling about Christopher Seibert in 'La Cage?' A great voice, a fine looker, a good balance for Harvey---why wasn't he thought of in the first place???? If this were a fave of mine, which it is not, I would check it out, but I want all my girls to do so. But not till you check out Daniel in his show, which we all wait with baited breath.

Make sure your breath is always fresh, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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