Thursday, March 3, 2011

Darlings, This Could Pave The Way For Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, judging from this week you would think I have spent it exclusively on the Great White Way, as most of the stories herein so far have involved that famed locale. And there are others yet to cover. Nevertheless, the latest in absurdity is the decision made by Michael Mayer (who did "Spring Awakening" and "American Idiot", both of which I despised) to take the Alan Jay Lerner-Burton Lane semi classic "On A Clear Day You Can See Forever" and redefine it in gender terms.

Probably Lerner's last really good score, with such choice items as the title song, "Come Back To Me," and "What Did I Have?", which let me tell you, honey, I can belt out like it is nobody's business, the show on Broadway starred the brilliant Barbara Harris, and then the 1970 film (which marked the final film for Cecil Beaton, and possibly for director Vincente Minelli) starred BARBRA!!!!!! Need I say more?

In both, they played a woman named Daisy Gamble, who seeks psychiatric help when she imagines herself figures of the past. One of the few musicals since "Lady In The Dark" in the 40's to take on psychological matters. Well, in THIS version, girls, Daisy Gamble is going to become David Gamble, a gay florist assistant. I mean, how demeaning to homosexuals is that, for starters???? Couldn't he at least be a male nurse???? His past lives are going to be altered; one will be a jazz singer from the 1940s,, which makes me question how they are going to incorporate the score.
The other question is who will do this role as written. With Mayer directing it would seem likely his poster boy, Jonathan Gropf, would land the job, but I have a feeling we are going to be seeing Sean Hayes, basically reprising his 'Jack' character from "Will and Grace" in this role. Mark my words, dolls, if it happens, you heard it first here.

People say I should not get outraged over this, and in a manner of speaking, I should not, as it paves the way for MOI to play two roles I have highly coveted--Mamma Rose in "Gypsy" and Fanny Brice in "Funny Girl." But it also invites creators to take any musical and twist it any way they want. What will be next--"HAIR" done in a Florida retirement community???? Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will it sink or swim???? Unfortunately, Mayer's track record seems good, despite my not liking his work, and hey, he is doing better these days than Julie Taymor. When the only person who endorses your product is right winger Glenn Beck, that should tell Julie something right there. But of course she won't listen.

But you listen to me, darlings, if this 'On A Clear Day' sails, you can count on seeing me in the next roles. And then you'll have some REALLY interesting on the road reportage!!!!!!!!!

Until that time, let's wait!!!!!!!! Perhaps this project will develop Carly Simon's proverbial clouds in the coffee!!!!!!!!

Stay vain, sweeties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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