Thursday, March 3, 2011

Girls, You Have Been Asking For This For Months!!!!!!!!!!!

Darling, I know, I know, ever since 'Spider Man' began previews you have been after me to bestow an award on its director. So, finally, I am proud to say that this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week is Julie Taymor.

Now, some may ask, what pushed it over the edge? The answer is that now previews have been extended once again till sometime in June. Which is interesting since it will be way past TONY time for this season, and while the show may be crap, I am certain the technical teams could feel pretty certain of some nominations and maybe even an award. Hell, the entire cast and crew should get an award for not just abandoning this piece of crap!!!!!

Which leads to Julie being a Bitch. Perfectionistic? Yes!!!!!!!! Ego inflated?????? Of course!!!!!!!!! But the real grabber is I have heard if she does not get what she wants, she turns on the waterworks!!!!!!!!! Come on, Jules, who is gonna believe that, when you are tougher than nails. I bet you never gave Ellen Stewart this much grief at La Ma Ma. No, siree, honeychild!!!!!!!!!!

But apparently with 'Spider Man' the big J thinks she can do anything, especially since her "Lion King" is still raking in the dough. It is also the last good thing onstage she did, so you better get cracking, darling!!!!!!!!!! Not to mention, someone should remind her--Honey, EVEN "The Fatnatasticks" closed!!!!!!!!!

When will she let go of beating this already dead horse????? Until she is dead herself??????? From what I hear, some would not be too sorry. So, finally, girls, here is what you asked--Julie Taymor as the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week. The ONLY honor she is sure to get this theatrical season, I can tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, where is MY TONY Award, loves?????????

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