Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Girls, This Is The Best Theater I Have Seen In Months!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, let me tell you, you don't have to seek out the New York stage for Great Theater at this time!!!! All you have to do is go onto YouTube and type in "Charlie Sheen!"

Have you seen this, dolls? Not only would his off the wall theatricality blow Tallulah away, if Judy Garland were still here, she would look at him and say, "Oh, honey, you need help!" And Judy knew, let me tell you!!!!!!!!!

I just love his statement, "I am not bipolar, I am bi winning?" Oh, yeah????
And how about his maintaining himself better at partying than Sinatra or Joey Bishop??? I got news for you, Charlie, they were never cokeheads, they never displayed their peccadilloes like .....and they had GENUINE talent, which is something you don't have. Hell, if you weren't Marty's kid, you would have gotten nowhere. Your father did "The Subject Was Roses!" The only thing you could do with them is freebase.

Let me tell Moises Kaufmann right now--start transcribing, honey, because this is your NEXT project. Actors of both genders, will come out of the woodwork to play Charlie Sheen. I know I would!!!!! How about Cate Blanchett??????? Or that great monologist Anna Deavere Smith??? I would even like to see Star Jones take a crack at it!!!!!!!!

"I don't take cocaine," he intones, while in the next breath stating the grams of rocks he can ingest without OD-ing, proud of that fact, while his eyes are so bugged out and his body twitching so much you would swear St. Vitus' Dance has come back into fashion.

Yes, what Grand Theater Charlie Sheen is. And no one seems to know this better than Charlie Sheen. As Monsieur once said to me, "Every fool is a genius for himself," and Charlie is no exception. Watch, girls!!!!!!! I bet he gets his own reality show and then becomes a hero to all the lowlife Midwestern and Southern rednecks and wife beaters!!!!!!!

Darlings, don't you get it???? The joke is not on Charlie Sheen,it is on us, or more pointedly, America as a nation, because this is what gets gobbled up and endorsed by media and fan bases alike. It is like the whole country is on a freebased spree. Let's shut Charlie Sheen up good. Throw him into a lesbian bar--like Henritetta Hudson--on Saturday night, and let them take care of him!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, Charlie, if you are bi winning, does that also mean bi sexual?????????

The thought makes me crawl. Which is why I stick with Meryl, girls!!!!!!!!!!!

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