Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Darlings, This Man Was A Capitalist Pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am telling you, we still have some serious things to discuss, leftover crumbs from last week's fabulous "Law And Order SVU" with guest star Kate Burton as Bitch Boss From Hell Annette Cole.

You have to hand it to the creators for using the "Psycho" ploy. Kate gets top billing among the guest stars, and deservedly so, with a truly virtuoso turn, but then about midway, as Janet Leigh did, in Hitchcock's film, gets killed off, when she pulls the trigger on herself. I have to say, we kind of missed Kate the rest of the time, but, honey, when she was on camera, did she make that time count!!!!!!!!!

You have heard me, loves, on the Linda Stein thing, one of the bases for this classic pull-all-stops-out episode!!!!! But how could I overlook the Leona Helmsley connection, what with the dog inheriting everything, and that wonderful scene of a black scarfed Kate, yelling at people, "Get outta my way!" Lambs, Bitch From Hell or not, I know how she feels! I have to do the same every morning, when I fight my way onto and off the subway.

And as stated, Kate's trigger happy denouement, darlings was a bitchfest in itself, and a complete left field surprise!!!!!!!!! But what I did not know till afterwards, was there was a precedent for it, in the peron of Budd Dwyer, who, on July 23, 1987, actually did in real life what Kate did fictionally.

Now, girls, I was around in 1987, so let me say--how did I miss this???? I should have remembered this, because I am certain this was one story that went national. But, then, lambs, this was also the year of "Fatal Attraction" and "Moonstruck", so maybe I was otherwise preoccupied.

I also do not want to lay on Dwyer alone the onus of Capitalist Pigism, because CP's have been around before him, are certainly in place now, and will exist long after those current take the Hike to Hell they so readily deserve.

Boy, am I a bitch today, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and not to belittle Dwyer's wife and children, who may or may not be alive still. The trauma they were put through by what he did, was clearly of HIS choosing, whether he chose to do it or not. Tyler Clementi was a victim. Budd Dwyer was a victimizer.

Let me explain. Back before things went down he was the State Treasurer for Pennsylvania. Well, like many CP's the power went to his head, and so, of course did his greed. The more he got, the more he wanted. Just like Eliot Spitzer and sex. Only in Dwyer's case, it was not sex, which might have done him some good, it was money. And like all wavering officials, he was eventually found out, tried and convicted of bribery. He was sentenced to a prison term of 55 years, which, at his age of 47, was basically a life sentence; even if he got off paroled, or for good behavior, his best years were behind them. In fact, honey, they already were before. Or maybe, with THOSE looks, he never had any.

Anyway, on the morning of July 23, Dwyer, like Kate Burton as Annette, called a press conference. In a long winded diatribe where he espouses such love for his wife and children--whom he is about to traumatize for life, so what does that tell you???--and in a manner suggesting that HE is innocent of all wrongdoing, he then hands out documents that turn out to be suicide notes, and then, with spontaneity in his favor, because no one exprectecd this, takes out a gun, and blows his brains out on camera.

Darlings, I don't know if this was originally broadcast beyond local television. But I can almost guarantee that as soon as it happeend the story went national and so did the footage. And that it is out floating around in cyber somewehre.

Kate's character said, "You made me do this!" directly. Dwyer, like most politicos, took the very long winded way of saying this. Honey, I would love to see that footage, not because I am bloodthristy, but because what a louse--to get caught, play the victim, and then traumatize your family forever. Who is the real victim here???? Not Dwyer; as stated, he is the victimizer.

This just cries out for theatrical or musical treatment. But it is clear the 'SVU' creators reached back in time to this event to dramatize Annette Cole's demise. Even though Annette was an Evil Bitch, who fundamentally deserved it, I have a little more sympathy for her; when she said she did not kill her assistant, Ellen, she was telling the truth.

I doubt Dwyer ever told a truth in his life. Yet there are those out there who want to maintain a belief in his innocence, insisiting he is an "Honest Man."

Honest, my ass! He was a pig and a coward!!!!! He couldn't face prison. Maybe he was afraid of getting cornholed!!!!!! I am sure he was homophobic, and God knows he was ugly, but let me tell you, darlings, when your feeding ground is consolidated, as it is in prison, girls have their needs, and they don't care where, as long as it is accessible. Maybe that is what it was. Suicide By Homophobia.

It would be nice to think that, darlings. But I just think it was good old American self-righteousness. "I am right, and you are ALL wrong!" Dwyer said in a move that hurt the ones he supposedly said he loves most of all. What a piece of scum.

And by the way, loves, the solution to the problem of Grotesque Creatures is a good stool softener!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stay loose, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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