Thursday, March 10, 2011

Darlings, These Two Take The Prize!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, as I have said, a promise IS a promise, so I am going to name this year's Bitch Of The Year. Frankly, it was NO contest!!!!!! The two chosen are in the great tradition of evil duets like Bonnie and Clyde. Or Leopold and Loeb. And they got THEIR comeuppances. One can only hope these two will, too.

The winner(s) of the Raving Queen's Bitch Of The Year Award are Dahrun Ravi and Molly Wei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do I hear some "Who's" out there? OK, then let me add two other words that should crystallize a connection--Tyler Clementi.

These two bitches are the ones who engineered Tyler's tragic trajectory, streaming him online, while he was trying to make those very personal discoveries that all young people, regardless of orientation, come to make.

But Tyler's orientation was gay, which to Ravi and Wei gave them license to humiliate and expose him. Let me say outright--they killed Tyler Clementi because they forced his hand. Tyler was simply taking steps necessary to come out to himself, he was not yet ready to come out to anyone else. And with time, he might have been, but Ravi and Wei prevented that.

I would like to place additional blame on Wei. Twice she found herself in a position to turn away, stop, tell Ravi that this was wrong--but she made no effort. Nor has there been any real legal dealings with them, which calls into question the American Judicial System, and America's attitudes toward the Different.

What there has been, however, are honors and tributes galore for Tyler--from this blog, to the Ridgewood Symphony Orchestra naming a chair and establishing a scholarship in his honor, and the Point Foundation establishing one for LGBT youth, named also for him, in his memory. And endorsed by his parents.

And what will Ravi and Wei get????? What they deserve--zilch!!!!!!! And a benchmark spot in a negative chapter of American history.

Honey, the minute it happened, I knew you could not ask for two more rotten bitches. Just as I knew they would no holds barred take top honors for the year.

The real honors, the deserved ones, are Tyler's. May they continue. Keep praying for him, my darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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