Thursday, March 10, 2011

Darlings, What A Year It Has Been!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, girls, I have not lost my mind, all else to the contrary. Today marks the 52nd week of my Bitch Of The Week column--one year of Bitches!!!!!!!!!!! From the Papin Sisters, to our current winner, it has been some year. And, as they say, the best is yet to come, as who knows who will emerge in the forthcoming year, which starts next week, and on St. Paddy's day!!!!!!!!!

Which reminds me, darlings, I have not received any nominees for the plum spot next week. Need I repeat the prize--dinner with MOI at One If By Land, Two If By Sea. Would I get more takers if I suggested the Olive Garden???? Well, you can just stuff that, darlings, because I would never subject myself--yet alone one of MY girls-- to such a distinctly Middle Class place!!!!!!!!!

Now, as to the winner of this week's award. To start with, she is fictitious. For another, there has been so much written on her, about her, since she made her initial appearance on February 23, that I knew sooner or later she would get mentioned in this column.

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week award is Annette Cole!!!!! And part of the reason Annette is so successful as a bitch is the brilliance of the actress who portrays her--none other than our own Kate Burton!!!!!!!! Darlings, I have loved Kate for years in everything I have seen her do, but let me say Annette is going to go down--it seems to have already--as one of her most memorable portrayals.

Annette first appeared in the 'SVU' episode "Bully," of which much has been said both on here and elsewhere. Let me just say now Annette is representative of the WORST that is the American workplace, which is one reason why America is in such bad shape. There are plenty of Annette Coles out there. And not all of them are women!!!!!!!! Some, darlings, are even men who want to BE women!!!!!!!!! That is right, loves!!!!!! You heard it here!!!!!!!!!!!

A couple of things to be said for Annette that has yet to be. She is not stupid, yet in some ways her smartness screwed herself. She may be From Hell, but she has one of the skankiest staffs I have seen anywhere. If I had to work with the likes of Bruce, Corinne, Justin, and David, I might do an Annette myself. Or at least take action, which is what Ellen, the most humane one there, did. Only she ends up the murder victim.

But getting back to Annette, she is smart, but it does her in. She is smart enough to hire people she can abuse. Ellen has been described as someone who presumably won't fight back--but as we found out, watch out!!!!!! And that is true of ME too, darlings!!!!!! The others, when interviewed for their respective jobs by Annette, displayed to her something she spotted instantly--that they all could easily be bought. And in some ways this very quality is what leads to things unraveling at Annette's company, Luscious Grapes.

Honestly, you have to hand it to Annette for being such a great bitch!!!!!!! And to Kate for not only playing her, but using antiquated lines. For all that it is well written the homophobic references are outdated. Calling Bruce a "fruit" and referring to Ellen as a "fruit fly" are SO out of step with the times, darling. Especially that second phrase, which I have NEVER heard in all my gay days!!!!!!! You can tell this script was written by a straight man, so let me make something clear--the phrase is "fag hag," darling!!!!!!!!!! Maybe NBC was afraid this would be too offensive. But I can tell you, those of us of a Certain Age can instantly spot this antiquity, while the poor, young up and coming LGBT youth, who have no historical perspective or comprehension whatsoever (and don't seem to care, like their young, straight counterparts!) won't understand the context of the terms!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course few things can top her press conference, where she offs herself!!!!!!! But not before she tells everyone around her what they can do!!!!!!!!! Tell me the truth, dolls--how many times have you wanted to tell a group of people off, like Annette????? I know I do!!!!!!!!! Hell, I would love to do it RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

So Annette provides some catharsis for us, which makes her somewhat of a Bitch To Love, and which is why I find her more tolerable than the skank staff she is surrounded by. Luckily they all got theirs. If only things were this simple in real life. Honey, if you stick with The Raving Queen, they CAN be!!!!!!!!!

The year goes out with a winner, honoring Annette Cole, and the brilliant actress who made her come alive, Kate Burton. Prove that there are NO small parts--and if the actor is good enough (like Kate) they can make something from it!!!!!!!!!!!

See you at the next Press Conference, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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