Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Darlings, Here Is A Smile That Shines Birghtly For Hope And Spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am sure I do not have to tell you by now whom the smiling young man in the photo is, but for those just joining us, that is Tyler Clementi. Certainly the almost six months in the wake of his passing has been a difficult one for yours truly, not to mention his immediate family and friends, who had the good fortune to be directly touched by him. But even those he touched most indirectly should feel somewhat hopeful, for in this picture, I would like to believe that is how he is viewing us all now, amazed and agog at the mass pouring of love he has had from countless strangers the world over. Not to mention family and friends.

And now, after nearly six months, his family has spoken. Joe and Jane Clementi, Tyler's parents have this to say about a scholarship being established in memory of their son, by Point Foundation, the nation's largest scholarship granting organization for LGBT youth.

"Our son, Tyler, was a kind and gentle young man, who enjoyed helping people. This scholarship will help college students, and it will raise awareness of young people who are subject to abuse through malicious bullying--and so it will help people in Tyler's memory. We are happy to be supportive Point Foundation, and we thank them for establishing this scholarship!

Way to go, Joe and Jane! And, Tyler, future LGBT'ers will owe a debt of gratitude to you.

How much more satisfying it would have been if we could all have met Tyler, and experienced his radiance for ourselves. A young man of accomplishment, sensitivity and consciousness, traits too often found lacking in our society. Another honor to assure Tyler will never be forgotten, and may his sweet gentleness serve as a way for us all to live. And with these honors and awareness, perhaps we could systematically, if slowly, eradicagte further such tragedies.

That would be Tyler's greatest legacy of all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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