Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Darlings, It Is Ash Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, did you eat your Shrove Tuesday pancakes last night? Mmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!! Well, now you make up for it by fasting and abstaining on Ash Wednesday, which is the official starting date of Lent. No meat eating today, dolls, and no, I am not going to go THERE!!!!!!! What you do undercover is your own business!!!!!!!!

I will say that for Lent I am giving up edibles with my coffee break. Can you believe Monsieur asked why don't I give up coffee??????? Does he want to live with someone like Kate Burton's character?????? Can you imagine what a bitch I would be without my coffeeZ????????? And after all the scrubbing of convent floors, and tending to lepers that I do!!!!!!!! Honey, I am telling you, it is just too much to ask. Going snackless for 40 days will be penetential enough, and will do the waistline no harm; may, in fact, do it some good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So a Happy Ash Wednesday to all! One of the latest on record I can remember; they say this happens about once avery 15 years!!!!!!!!!! Nevertheless, do what you can, and can what you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And lose some weight for that Bunny costume. Girls, if Shelley Winters could fit into one, anything is possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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