Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Darlings, There Is No Underestimating The Power Of A Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am telling you, I simply cannot believe it!!!!!!! No less than five days ago, did I name Miss Julie Taymor as Bitch Of The Week, when down the pike comes the news that she is being told in no uncertain terms to either fix "Spider Man:Turn Off The Dark," or leave!!!!!! It shows my girls are out there reading, and they care!!!!!!!!!!

So, take a cue from The Raving Queen, Jules, and hang it up while you can!!!!!!! Honey, your next show could turn out to be a Chinese one-person show on Mott Street, if you don't watch out. And there you will collect fortune cookies, rather than tickets. Maybe B.D. Wong will toss you an egg roll!!!!!!!!!!!

Listen, from the moment I first saw the combo of "Spider Man" and "Julie Taymor" linked, I said--pack it in; it will never fly!!!!!!! And it really hasn't, not only artistically but with all the actors injuring themselves, it makes one long for the simplicity of Mary Martin and Peter Pan!!!!!! Even Maude Adams!!!!!!!!! And, NO, darlings, I did NOT see Maude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean, Julie Taymor directing this show makes about as much sense, as, say, Joanne Akalitis (whose name still sounds like an inflammatory ailment, and where the Hell has she been, anyway???) directing "Mame," which I sure would not want to see, let alone appear in, even though I have always wanted to play Agnes Gooch, and kick off the show with "St. Bridget."

No, sweeties, remember, you heard it first here!!!!!!!! So pack your bags and hit the road, Julie, and like the song says, "don'tcha come back no more, no more, no more, no more!!!!!!!!!!!"

But all MY girls, you keep coming back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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