Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Darlings, Can You Believe We Have Made It To Another Shrove Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am so excited, I want to wish you all out there a Happy Shrove Tuesday, which is the day before Ash Wednesday, the commencement of Lent, but as far as I am concerned, lambs, this day is the kickoff. So make sure you kick it off by eating plenty of pancakes!!!!!! Which is what it is unofficially known as--Pancake Day!!!!!!!

From now until Easter there is something for everyone, right down to Mary Magdalene carrying spices to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus. Maybe the Easter hymn this year will be "If I Can't Have You!"

Which has me wondering what the Easter movie is going to be. Because, you see, dolls, we--Monsieur and I--have already viewed "The Song Of Bernadette," due to my colonoscopy, so that leaves the field wide open, as one cannot view that film again too soon. "Ben-Hur" is much too long, and really needs to be seen on the screen, as does "The Ten Commandments," even though it is a hoot!!!!!!! I am actually thinking of venturing into more secular realms--"Lillies Of The Field?" "Come To The Stable?"
"Easter Parade?" "Lili?" You tell me, darlings, just like I still need you to tell me who should begin the Second Year of Bitch Of The Week. Doesn't anyone want to eat????? Come on; I know some of my girls out there are ACTORS, for Pete's sake!!!!!!!!!

But for every one's sake today I want to wish everyone a Happy Shrove Tuesday!!!!!!! and whether your pancakes are IHOP or Aunt Jemima, enjoy!!!!!!!!!

Yum, yum, eat 'em up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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