Monday, March 7, 2011

Darlings, I Offer This In Perpetuity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, the artist that was Tyler Clementi has left us, but his memory will live on in perpetuity. And not just by yours truly. This past Friday evening, at their latest concert, the Ridgewood (NJ) Symphony Orchestra annoucned they were naming a scholarship, to be given to a deserving young member, after Tyler Clementi. The honors dont just stop, I am telling you, which only begs the notion of how much the World, as it showed, truly loved Tyler, and that ultimately it would have found him. For those of us touched by Tyler's tale, we can only take comfort in these honors, and the humility and graciousness I am sure he would have displayed in having such bestowed upon him. His passing deprived thw world of a lot of good he could do, but for each event like this, some part of Tyler is out there still doing good, for which we must all be grateful.

I applaud this organizaton for continuuuing to honor Tyler. And may others do the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you can count on ME to honor him, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!! Never letting up for a minute!!!!!!!!!!!

Bravo, Tyler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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