"This irresistible Paris Original,
I'm wearing tonight!
I'm wearing tonight,
'Specially for him!
Girls, let me tell you, I can remember, and often long for, those carefree bygone days, when a designer dress was the answer to a prayer. Which is why we are all excited to see the "Paris Original" number staged again in the new 'How To Succeed,'because I can tell you, lambs, every queen in the house will go wild!!!!!!!!!!!
And we have plenty to go wild over this week, what with Lent coming, Wednesday being Ash Wednesday and tomorrow being MY favorite, darlings--Shrove Tuesday, which is as good a reason as any to eat pancakes. This in between scrubbing convent floors, and tending to Cabrini Blvd lepers!!!!!!!!!!!
What kind of a week can it be when the hottest social event on your calendar is the screening of a 40 year old Debbie Reynolds-Shelley Winters slasher, one you yourself (moi, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!) first saw 40 years ago???????? Where has the time gone, loves??????? No wonder I need that Paris original!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But the fun is just brewing, and we are all awaiting it!!!!!!! It seems like that "Doctor Zhivago" hoped for Spring may be on the way. And once it gets here--look out; what about Easter fashions?????????? The planning just never stops. Ask ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!
And when that hope of Spring gets here, girls, make sure you look like Julie Christie!!!!!!!!!!!!
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