Sunday, March 6, 2011

Girls, Pay No Attention To That Man Behind The Curtain!!!!!!

I do not want MY girls to get confused, or think I have gone schizoid on here. I certainly have NOT!!!!! The comment you see on here is not one to myself, but was actually written to me by Monsieur, whom I love wholeheartedly, BUT has no idea how to properly post a comment on here, though he did it once!!!!!!!

Addressing said comment, first of all the word is pensione, not pension, which is something else!!!!!!! There is no truth to peanut stained tablecloths. I have been eating peanut butter since the crib, and no one has ever accused me of table stains, nor can they.

I offer myself up as a martyr to the ills of society. I am still fighting for justice, and will continue to till my last breath, on behalf of Tyler Clementi. The lepers up on Cabrini Boulevard are glad for my services, as who else would tend to them??????

So don't go giving me crap about peanut butter stains!!!!!! My hands could be blood stained from stigmata!!!!!! Sainthood is a tough haul, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!

No meat this Wednesday, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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