Saturday, March 19, 2011

Darlings, We Just LOVE Aunt Jemima!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know, girls, I meant to write about this as far back as Shrove Tuesday, which would have been very apropos!!!!!!! But nobody needs an excuse to eat pancakes, so why not now?????????

Honey, from the time the Raving Queen took his first steps on Earth, the association of pancakes with Aunt Jemima was inseparable!!!!!! And no brand of pancakes would do, save hers!!!!!!!! I just loved the orange package, with the picture, in the upper left hand corner, of her with the smiling face, and kerchiefed head!!!! Obesity gets such a bum rap today, but Aunt Jemima made it jolly and fun!!!! And let me tell you, darlings, that kerchief was important!!!!!!!! Just recently, in this cleaned up political age, she was given a twentieth century permanent, in an attempt to make her look like Maidie Norman as Elvira in 'Baby Jane'. But Elvira scowled--how could she not, working for those two crazy broads???????--and Jemima's smile did not fool us one bit!!!! But she just did not look right, without that kerchief!!!!!!! I mean, what is the big deal; Heather Menzies wore one for part of the time she was playing Louisa Von Trapp in "The Sound Of Music!!!!!"

I say let us reclaim the TRUE Aunt Jemima!!!!! Bring back the kerchief!!!!!!
Down with the denigration of fat people!!!!!!!!Keep them jolly!!!!!!!!!

When I first saw "Gone With The Wind", I first thought Hattie McDaniel was the box model for Aunt Jemima!!!! As it turns out, several different women portrayed her, starting with Nancy Green back in the 30's, then Anna Robinson, and finally, Edith Wilson, who, between 1948 and 1966, was the Aunt Jemima my peers knew. And it looks like the makeover she got recently was based on that image!!!! Wonder what Edith would think of the new look????

The pancakes are STILL delicious, darling!!!!!!!! But without that jolly, fat cheeked, kerchiefed domestic, it just doesn't seem the REAL thing!!!!!

What has happened to Democracy???? Keep Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, and Eustis (the "Cream Of Wheat" chef) as they should be!!!!!!!!

Eats 'em up, honeychile'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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