Saturday, March 19, 2011

Girls, It Is Time To Get Pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, darlings, while most of the Signs of Spring are happy, there are some bits of sadness to mark this seasonal arrival. For starters, we are just three days--March 22, to be exact--from the six month anniversary of Tyler Clementi's passing, which I am sure all us Tyler admirers, not to mention his family and friends, cannot help but be aware of. Let's face it, loves, for those of us who were alive when it happened, the turning of Summer to Fall will always signal Tyler's departure anniversary!!!!!!!

And now we have something else to remember Spring by!!!!!!!!!!!

There is this blog which I just LOVE called Queens Crap, devoted to that august borough. Now, girls, as some of you may know, I have lived in Queens for 14 years, it has done right by me, but I do not exactly LOVE it!!!!! There is a wrong-side-of-the-tracks feel to it I do not find appealing, and if THAT is not enough to make me feel ashamed of living there, what I am about to report to you NOW certainly does!!!!!

I am talking about the death of 18-year old Anthony Collao, of Woodhaven.

So much about this story bothers me I don't know where to begin. Let's start with the fact that the party Collao attended was held in an abandoned house on 90th Street, in Woodhaven, on Saturday, March 12. It was supposedly a birthday party, and supposedly given by two gay men, which I seriously question, because, what kind of Men Of Taste are going to hold a gathering in a rat trap????? Whose birthday were they celebrating--Liza Minnelli, who DID turn 65 that day????. Hell, she deserves a better hangout than that!!!!!!!!! Remember the days of Studio 54????????

Combine that with the invites being advertised on Facebook!!!! Real classy, yeah!!!!! You know what kind of scum is out there in Facebook land???? The kind who showed up and crashed this party!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently, there was a $7 cover charge to get in. But these five pieces of scum-- Calvin Peitri, 17; Nolis Ogando, 17; Christopher Lozada, 17; Luis Tabales, 17; and Alex Velez, 16--did not want to be bothered, and forced their way in. Once inside, they started writing anti-Gay slurs on the walls, spouting them to the partygoers, and roughing up people in ways calculated to start a fight. Anthony Collao, correctly sensing trouble, decides to leave, but these louses see him splitting, chase him onto the street, and beat him within an inch of his life!!!!!!
He was hospitalized on life support following this, until he died on Monday, March 14!!!!!!!!!!

The good news is these pieces of crap have been rounded up, and look to be prosecuted for a hate crime!!!! The irony is, despite the rampant homophobia involved, Collao was NOT gay, which the media seems to make a big deal of, as though if he were, this would be justified!!!!! Fuck you, New York Press!!!!!!!!!!
It does not matter what team he played on, NO ONE should be subjected to this kind of behavior. And until we start prosecuting trash like this--and let us not forget Darvi and Wei in the Clementi case--events like this will continue.

I still say, abandon the EVIL that is Facebook!!!!!!!! And where are the gay men who hosted this birthday party???? I have a few questions for them, love, because at the very least, THEIR judgement should be called into question!!!!!! Maybe they should be prosecuted, too!!!!! And let me say, if I find out who they are, the Raving Queen will do just that!!!!!! Guilt by Opinion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why mess up Spring, after the Winter we had!!!! It figures this happened in Queens, the most trash borough in the City!!!!! I can't wait to move out and the rest of you can SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time to do my Spring Cleaning, now, lambs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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