Monday, March 28, 2011

Darlings, What Has Happened To March?????????????

Girls, here we are, coming down the final stretch of this defining month, and all traditions have gone by the wayside. It used to be said the month "came in like a lion, and went out like a lamb," but I have seen no sign of lamb-ness this month, even with us now in Spring, and Prosperina having returend from Hell. It seemm the lamb of March seems to appear less and less frequently; whether this is just plain bad luck, or global warming, it is hard to fathom. And this as we segue into April, which T.S. Eliot called "the cruelest month," is noted for its "showers," and all this following two traumatic events--the six month anniversary of Tyler Clementi's death, and then the very recent death of Elizabth Taylor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, Mother Nature, give us a break! The song says you are a single woman, too, that you looked up to Heaven, and did what you had to do!!!!!!!! So get busy, doll!!!!!!!!!!! Cozy winter nights need to give way to warm blustery days, where one can lull by the water, and get some fresh air, instead of being cooped up like in a Bronte novel. That act, dolls, only plays so long!!!!!!!!!!!

It remains to be seen what happens. But as we head into the closing days of March, it sure is not the month I remembered. Not that many things are, anymore. But you used to be able to depend on Nature. Now, the only thing one can depend on is a good moisturizer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Moisten generously, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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