Monday, March 28, 2011

Darlings, I Am Here To Offer Instruction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, with this being Spring, traditionally a season for self-improvement, I want to propose a class that I think is long overdue, incorporating a skill many people need to learn. You can see how so by the photo above.

The course I want to teach is "How To Sip An Ice Cream Soda At The Fountain, Like Lana Turner!!!!!!!!"

First, you will learn proper deportment and posture, something that is lacking in so many people these days. Second, you will develop fashion sense, because you cannot come to class, unless you are dressed in a cardigan or angora sweater. Look what it did for Lana, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

And that is just it. Spring is the season also for discovery, and you know we ALL want to get discovered, like Lana, and this is the time to do it. You know I do, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So if you want to sign up, comment on here, Tell me your favorite soda fountain place, and I will visit, and instruct you in all the right rudiments of this craft!!!!!!!! Before you know it, lambs, you will be the next Lana Turner!!!!!!!!!!

But not before MOI, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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