Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Darlings, Let Me Tell You Why Vaudeville Is Dead!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am telling you, with all the dashing about Monsieur and I do, we need some down time. But last night we simply HAD to attend the Comedy Benefit at the Actors' Temple, one of the loveliest theatrical spaces in the theater district. If only the program onstage had matched the historicity of the place.

To be sure, Emcee Bob Greenberg paid tribute to such, mentioning Sophie Turcker, the Three Stooges, and others. His Jackie Gleason, having witnessed it at Purim, was masterful, and his rendering of Gleason doing Shakespeare was one of the best things on display. But that Hitchcock impersonation????? Honey, I could have done a better one at five!!!!!!! And then he said he won a contest for impersonating the Master???????? I would like to see the other competition!!!!!!!!!!

Lambs, it was not they were not lacking in talent and spirit, they were just not inspired. Weight jokes, sex jokes, twin brothers jokes that made me cringe......well, it is for a good cause, and while I know no one could afford Joan Rivers, you would think the performers out there plying their trade, up and coming, would be inspired by their more successful predecessors!!!!!!!! But it appears not!!!!!!!!!!!

I was waiting for someone in the audience to yell, "Where's the hook?" I had to endure Monsieur poking me to leave, after about a half hour into the proceedings. We finally split right before 8:30, with things still going full throttle!!!!! In fact, as we snuggled in comfort at 11PM for our nighttime ritual of "The Golden Girls," I mused the show must STILL be going on!!!!!!!! Which is what I was afraid of when I agreed to attend the event!!!!!!!!!

The talent vaudeville produced--Sophie Tucker, W.C.Fields, Fanny Brice, Judy Garland.......none present suggested even a modicum of this kind of talent. Honey I should have got up there and done a few missives from the Raving Queen. We had plenty of Jewish humor, but no Jewish GAY humor!!!!!!!! And I know there are plenty of Jewish homosexuals out there!!!!!!!!! Just look over the list of the NYC chapter of the American Bar Association!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A bar is what I needed after this travesty. Maybe it is a good idea vaudeville is dead; this is no way to bring it back!!!!!!!!!! So, girls, cherish the entertainments that we have, and if you don't like what is out there, make some for yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MY girls are all talented, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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