Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Girls, What Is The Matter With These People!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, I know none of MY girls are one of these unfortunate creatures, to call whom such would denote a compassion I simply do not have. I am talking about the thousands, or maybe hundreds, who, over the years, have subjected themselves voluntarily to public humiliation on national television, by appearing on the "Judge Judy Show." You just gotta love Judge Judy; a bitch, who tells it like it is!!!!!!! One after my own heart, loves!!!!!!!!! But with the morons she has to surround herself with every day, it is no wonder she is such a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!

There are two schools of thought about these folk. The first is that they are mental defectives from the House Of Retardation, who flunked Moron 101!!!!!!!! But that would do the genuinely mentally disabled a disservice, not to mention lack of compassion, because they are more with it than these dopes, who, I am convinced, are not so much retarded--though they ARE stupid!!!--as the greatest media whores of all time!!!!!!!!! I never thought I would say this, but even "American Idol" and "Dances With The Stars" has more respectability. Those on "Judge Judy" set themselves up as fools to be scorned at, deservedly, by one who does not suffer fools gladly. Just like the Raving Queen, loves!!!!!!!!!! Imagine if I had a court show!!!!!!! Now THAT would be something!!!!!!!!!!!! I would make Judge Judy look like Mother Teresa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet there is a guilty pleasure in watching these idiots sadomasochistically humiliate themselves. At least they are not being exploited by the media; they are simply exploiting themselves.

I doubt there is a virgin among them. And the show provides equal opportunity for dumbness--meaning men and women here are equally dumb. But the virgin factor, if it exists, would be cancelled out by the lack of intelligence, so sending one of these dolls to Odo Island would not appease Gojira--he would have too much sense!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like Judge Judy, yours truly, and all MY girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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