Thursday, April 21, 2011

Darlings, It Just Goes To Show There Is No Shortage Of Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like always, loves, I awoke this morning, knowing I had to--even on Maundy Thursday--choose a Bitch Of The Week. I was feeling pretty good, after learning that Dahrun Ravi faced 15 indictment counts in the Tyler Clementi tragedy. It gave me an affirmative feeling. Then I found out the following, which made me wonder, "What is next?"

The winners of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award I dub the Sinister Six, inspired by, though not nearly as clever or classy as, the Marvel Comics villains. And they set a precedent, for while there have been pairs, even a quartet, as in the Shanda Sharer case, the bitch count has never gone as high as six.

The winners, the Sinister Six, comprise five men and a girl. They are--Amber Wright, 15; Kyle Hooper, 16; Michael Bargo, 18; Charlie Ely, 18; and Justin Soto, 20. Add to them James Havens, 37, whose part shall be explained.

Girls, this is almost the male counterpart of the Sharer case. A fifteen year old by, Saeth Jackson, for reasons yet unknown, other than one of the perps, Michael Bargo, verbalized hatred towards him, was lured to Ely's home by Wright (his ex-girlfriend) and Hooper last Sunday Eve. Once there, Soto and Hooper hit Jackson on the head with wooden objects. Bargo shot Jackson several times, then the body was taken to an already burning fire, part of the plan, and burned. Then Havens, who turns out to be Wright and Hooper's step dad, helped them dispose of the body.

Other than hatred verbalized by Bargo, the motive for the attack is not clear. You can say all you want about small group dynamics and the adolescent/youth urge to conform, but for each to go along with such a bizarre scheme indicates something. Were they bound together, as some clique, with Bargo exerting control over them, just as Melinda Lovelsess did over her cronies in the Sharer case? Or was it something deeper, a manifestation of each's individual evil, and that evil just happening to coalesce at the unfortunate right time?

These pollutions of Life must be brought to justice, tried, and incarcerated. It will be interesting to see what follows, and the outcome. I ask, in the wake of Tyler Clementi, how much more can we stand? Perhaps Saeth is with Tyler, Phoebe Prince, and all the others, looking down, asking the same thing. Ashamed of them all!!!!!!!!!!

The Sinister Six face bigger distinctions than being named Bitch Of The Week. But it is a start! May they get the justice they deserve!!!!!!!!

Roast their marshmallows, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice, huh????????

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