Saturday, April 23, 2011

Holy Mackerel! It's Holy Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I must apologize to my girls, for missing you on Good Friday, but there was so much happening, between running errands and paying bills, reconnecting with one of the gems of my past, and--would you believe it?--getting my hair done!!!!--that it just wasn't possible for me to get here yesterday, so here I am now.

Yesterday, of course, was the unforgettable day, depicted in "The Greatest Story Ever Told," when John Wayne as the Centurion said, "Ca-learly, this man wuz the Son a' God." As only John Wayne could. One hopes that the REAL Centurion at the foot of the Cross was a bit more loquacious.

Back in the day, darlings, this used to be a big MOVIE night on TV. Starting at 11:30 Channels 2 and 7 would have Dueling Easter Films--CBS would broadcast the Judy Garland-Fred Astaire classic, "Easter Paarade," while ABC would air "The Song Of Bernadette." If you've been on here long enough, you know which one I watched, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

Alas, those days are gone. Holy Saturday just isn't the same. But, wait, there is hope on the horizon. In response to my PAAS post, and in honor of my childhood gem, Margaret, Monsieur and I are crashing at my place tonight, while we color Easter eggs to the sounds of "The Ten Commandments," coming from the TV set, which ABC is showing, starting at 7PM tonight. I sat through it a few years ago, and I have to say even on a small screen, the color and the visual spectacle hold up. Though of course nothing would be better than the big screen. But on a recent viewing, I had to admit, the most spectacular thing in the film, aside from the parting of the Red Sea, was John Derek's chest as Joshua. This was years before he met Bo, when he looked REAL good. By the time he met Bo, SHE was the one looking good, and you didn't have to be straight to notice that one, darlings. But we will peek at John at his peak tonight. Stay tuned for what becomes of a dozen Easter eggs!!!!!!!

And then tomorrow we have Easter. I am still pushing for "If I Can't Have You" as this year's Communion Hymn, so we shall see!!!!!!!!

Have a great Saturday, girls, and even better Easter Sunday, and try to watch the famous Bugs Bunny cartoon, where he goes, "Here's the Easter Rabbit, hooray! Happy Easter Rabbit, hooray!!!!!!!!"

Happy Easter to Everyone, darlings!!!!!!!!!!! Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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