Monday, April 25, 2011

Darlings, It Was A Joyous Easter!!!!! But What Ever Happened To Mary Magdalene??? And Why Can't We Sing "If I Can't Have You"????

Girls, Easter was a joyous occasion. The eggs were colored, and, for the first time in years, the Easter bunny paid a visit, in the guise of Monsieur, who gave me the most beautiful "Wizard Of Oz" music box as a gift. We even found the perfect spot for it.

And I know I have been throwing religious imagery at you all week, so here is a cheery, secular picture to depict the day!!!!!!!!!!!

But I do have one caveat with the day. What about Mary Magdalene???? On those long ago Easter Sundays, at St. Paul's, in Highland Park, and for every Easter since, save for the evening Dignity Services, the Gospel for that day always starts out with "Mary Magdalene carrying spices to the tomb, to anoint the body of Jesus." I just hope she was not carrying cayenne pepper, or else the Resurrection might have happened sooner!!!!! But Easter and the Magdalene became inextricably linked for me. Then Yvonne Elliman came along in the 70's, and solidified that.

So I show up for service last eve, Monsieur in tow. I get to see thew whole service from the choir loft, as I am up there singing. We get to the Gospel, and what do I hear???? Not a WORD about Mary Magdalene!!!!! Something about Jesus walking among the Disciples, and they did not know it. Then, for the Sermon, the priest references the "Twilight Zone" episode, where Gladys Cooper meets up with Robert Redford, who turns out to be Death!!!!!! I mean, come on!!!!!!

Those of us who grew up with the popular notion of Mary Magdalene as a hooker (confirmed on film by Carol Baker in a red mini sarong in "The Greatest Story Ever Told") looked to her for hope. If SHE could become a saint, there was hope for many of us!!!!!! With all the talk about changing roles of women in the Church, don't take our Mary Magdalene away. She may not have been a hooker, but she was important to some of us!!!!!!

And, of course, once "Jesus Christ Superstar" came along, and Yvonne Elliman sank her vocal cords into "I Don't Know How To Love Him," Mary Magdalene's importance was sealed. So when the disco era dawned, and Elliman made "If I Can't Have You" a hit, it was like being sung to by Mary Mag. Which is why I think it should be the Communion hymn. Especially at Dignity, a service for gay and Lesbian Catholics!!!! Ya think??????

But let's not quibble, darlings. The day was lovely, the music box gorgeous, (it has little Lullaby League Munchkin figures in front that dance!!!!!) and, no it would not be Easter without "The Song Of Bernadette." So we watched just the first twenty minutes--up through the first Vision. Still as stunning as ever, loves!!!!

So that was Easter 2011. All that was lacking was the Bunny Hop. Hope Peter Cottontail was good to all my girls out there!!!!!!!!!

But go easy on the chocolate, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I opted for "Easter Parade" on Saturday and "JC Superstar" last night (thank the Lord for TCM)! Wasn't sure what would be a good time to call you without being a bother, so feel free to call me any night after 9. Sooo looking forward to talking!

    PS - "If I Can't Have You" as Communion hymn?? Brilliant!!

  2. I watched "Easter Parade" last year. Tuesdays are generally my night to relax at hoem, so I will call you tomorrow. So much to tell.

    I told my father about all this, and he remembers all of you.
    Said to say hello.

    We settled on a bit of 'Bernadette' and then the R and H "Cinderella" with Julie Andrews. She was perfect, but the rest, surprsingly, was not as good as the Lesley Ann Warren version we grew up with!

  3. Betty White is EVIL, Ms Devine Martha Stewart is sweetness and light!

  4. OOPS! That last posting was from an apologetic Monsieur who can never figure out the correct way to post a comment on your fabulous blog, SORRY!!

  5. Hey I'll be home by 7 tonight, so if you want to call earlier, feel free.
