Monday, April 25, 2011

Darlings, Some Would Consider THIS A Role Model!!!!!!!!!!

Personally, girls, my favoirte "Golden Girl" was always Rue McClanahan as Blanche. Let's face it, she had the best outfits, and, according to her, the most men. No wonder gay men love her; talk to any gay man, especially in New York, and you will find that THEY, and only THEY get the most action. To which I can only say,
"Yeah, right!"

Blanche was also great, thanks to Rue's brilliance as a comic actress. But Betty White was no slouch, either, and herein lies the topic. Some would pick Rose as their favorite, especially with her combination of sweetness, laced with an occasional side zinger she would toss out, in the tradition of her earlier, Emmy-winning incarantion, Sue Ann Nevins, the Happy Homemaker on "The Mary Tyler Moore Show."

Now, Monsieur and I see eye to eye on much, and believe me, nothing is more relaxing before bedtime than a rerun of "The Golden Girls." Especially if it is Bea and Estelle doing "I Got You, Babe." Anyway, over the weekend, there we were, coloring Easter eggs, and as always, the kit came with a "magic pen," which could be used to write or decorate the eggs anyway one chose. Well, while removing one of the eggs from the dye--a perfectly shaded blue--I spotted on one side, the word "Evil" and on the other "Betty White Is". Which has always been an ongoing thing with us. Betty White may not be Rose, but she is NOT evil. She has NOT killed off her other cast memebers, nor is she trying to do the same to the now diabetic Mary Tyler Moore!!!!!!!

Betty White has simply emerged as a "late bloomer," succeeding at a point when most in the biz are hanging it up. I can remember growing up, when her only distinction seemed to be being the wife of game host Allen Ludden, with guest appearances on his "Password." And theirs was one of the more successful show biz marriages, and since Betty never remarried, it says a lot. Favorably, I mean.

If you want Evil, girls, there is Martha Stewart. A convicted felon, whose own mother was afraid of her, whose daughter penned a "Mommie, Dearest" type book about her, and whose tight, clipped, almost too controlled manner, belies a raging temperament. Come on, Martha!!!! We know you are not a natural blonde, and that you hail from Nutley, New Jersey! You don't have us fooled for a second!!!!!!!!

So, Monsieur, there is no need to beleague poor Betty White. She is America's Sweetheart, and she has earned it. Short of Kirstie Alley, I can't think of anyone who has reinvented themselves so skillfully. And takes up less room on camera!!!!!!!!!

Betty White is NOT evil. She may not be MY favorite "Golden Girl," but she is someone else's!!!!!!!!!!!

But you are all MY favoirte girls, Golden or otherwise!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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