Saturday, April 16, 2011

Darlings, Let's Start With Something Inspirational!!!!!!!!!

Girls, would you believe Easter is barely a week away, and I am still walking around in winter ware??????? How an I supposed to get into my Easter bonnet, and be the grandest in the Easter parade??????? Well, just in time for Easter is the Feast Day of St. Bernadette, which is today. Yes, girls, THAT Bernadette, immortalized in the classic Jennifer Jones film, in which she gave a stunning, Academy Award winning performance. Which is why I have Jennifer pictured here. Bernadette got hers on her vision day, back on February 11.

This is the day on which Bernaddette Soubirous passed from Earth to Heaven, back in 1879, at the age of 35. Fifty four years after that, in 1933, she was Canonized as a Saint of the Roman Catholic Church, and today was designated her Feast Day!!!!!!

So let's hear it for St. Bernadette, whose story continues to inspire!!!!!! Thanks to Lourdes and Jennifer Jones, if she is not the most famous of all the saints, she is certainly one of the most memorable!!!!!!!!!!

Remember this, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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