Saturday, April 16, 2011

Girls, These Are The Shadows Of Things That Have Been!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, some of you may be concerned that I am in a dark mood, what with so much talk lately about Diane, Roberta, Highland Park, New Jersey, and Harrison Avenue on here. I am not denying they are important parts of my past, but they cannot be revisited, because even though they exist, they have grown beyond what they were then. And so have I, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can't fight the past, darlings, though so many of us try! That is why the Dickens line I reference is so important! Even if my adult self were transported in a time machine back to that time, and my adult self confronted the adolescent Diane and Roberta, I am not so sure it would do any good. It would not alter what happened. It might result in apologies which are nice on the surface but the need for such acknowledgement is truly long gone.

The other part of the Dickens statement is that the shadows have no consciousness. Maybe that is why I love the opening of "Follies," when the ghosts emerge from within the theater and begin parading about the stage.

I am certainly not trying to denigrate Diane or Roberta, who are doing whatever they are doing today. I recognize a time when neither was very nice to me, but at the time, how outgoing was I that I might have fit in???? Not very, darlings!!!!!!! And they were super conformist, which was never ME, honey, I mean, not for a second!!!!!!!!!!!

Which is why the line in "A Chorus Line" is important. When Paul says to Zach, "I'm not very proud of my past," Zach answers him, "Who is? But that's what the word means--PAST!!!!!!!"

As we begin the Easter/Passover season, try to keep in perspective, darlings the importance of the Present. And be grateful for what you have now, and have moved beyond. I am, darlings, I can tell you!!!!!! The demons of the past will always prickle at us. But they can do no more, because the people that these were no longer exist--except in our memories!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean, suppose Lana Turner had never dated Johnny Stompanampo!!!!!!!!!

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