Monday, April 4, 2011

Darlings, We Had Another Artistic Experience!!!!!!!!!

Honey, let me tell you, the weekend did not quit!!!!!!!! Worn out from our "Spider Man" experience, Monsieur and I made it home to my place, where we tumbled into bed, and gratefully went off to la-la-land. The next morning, we had breakfast, I was reclining in the living room, with my coffee, when the phone rang. It was my friend, Harvey, a movie maven, if ever, trying to get hold of me, to get the low down on "Jane Eyre", as he knows I am an expert on the Brontes. Well, in the course of the conversation, Harvey mentioned the film he had seen the night before, something called "Rubber," which he said was about a tire.

Darlings, this film was so far off my radar I had never heard of it!!!! So I asked Harvey if this was a documentary about the tire industry; Harvey sees lots of indie docs, as well.

It turns out this film deals with a tire that rolls through the countryside, and kills anything that gets in its way. It does so by looking directly at them, and, with telekinetic sound and power, reminiscent of "Carrie" blows them to pieces. Especially humans, whose heads blow off!!!!!!

I told Harvey, he had to be kidding, that this sounded in the realm of the 'Killer Tomatoes.' Harvey agreed with me, saying the audience he saw it with Friday night was laughing its head off!!!!! And, of course, he said, it was MY kind of film!!!!!!!

Which meant I just HAD to see it!!!!!!

Now, mind you, we were still not recovered from the "Spider Man" experience. And I had planned on seeing a horror film, "Insidious" this weekend. But when I heard "Rubber" was at New York's Cinema Village, which means it will not be around for a long time, as films tend to change there fast. So I knew we had to move quickly.

Girls, everything Harvey said was true. And you know who was in it????? Stephen Spinnella, looking beefier than I have ever seen him. He must really need the work, to do this. You can bet Meryl Streeep turned this down!!!!!! There are actually homages to all kinds of things--from Stephen King's "Christine," to Speielberg's "Duel," to Hitchcock;s "Psycho" and "The Birds", not to mention the basic plot structure of every 50s sci-fi monster-on-the-loose film.

I had a blast, laughing my head off!!!!! Monsieur was not so amused. Because, let me tell you, the tire actually gives the film's BEST pwerformance!!!!!!
The actors are horrible; is it intentional, or what?????? The early scenes with the tire traveling through the dessert, onto the highway, made it look SO cute!!!!!!
Cuter than the actors, which is why I didn't give a damn when heads went flying off!!!!! I laughed!!!!!!!

Still, I will concede Monsieur on one point. The film did seem a little long, though it wasn't, because things got rather repetitious. If this had been a 15 minute to 30 minute short, it might have been perfect; stretched to feature length, it strained credibility.

But I wouldn't have missed iot for the world. And with this, in effwect, being April Fool's weekend, it was the perfect thing to see!!!!! Give me REAL art the next time, please!!!!!! Nevertheles, I want all my girls to rush out and see "Rubber;" which has to be seen to be believed!!!!!!!!!!

Goddyear and Firestone will never be the same, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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