Monday, April 4, 2011

Girls, There Are Some Twisted Women On 'SVU'

Darlings, I don't know what all the talk is about sexism on any of the "Law And Orders." This show has never been afraid to show scummy lowlife men, and great actors playing them, but let me tell you, it does not stint on twisted females!!!!!!
And MY girls all know how twisted THEY can be!!!!!!

I mean, just this season alone, we have had Rosemary Harris as the Granny From Hell, Kate Burton as Career Bitch Annette Cole, and, recently in "Totem," three for one, with Elizabeth Mitchell, Lisa Banes, and Agatha Nowick, as June, Elaine, and Katie, respectively!!!!!!!!

And who can forget the three girls of "Mean"--Britany 0'Malley (Kelli Garner),
Paige Summerbee (Kimberly McConnell) and Andrea Kent (Arielle Kiebel)???????

Now, in the course of discussing "Totem," someone referred to "Pique," which was sort of the counterpart to this one, where Chad Lowe is sleeping with his mother, played by Margot Kidder.

I knew I had seen this episode, but was vauge on details. I knew I had seen it, but where? Turns out I own it on one of my DVD sets. So I watched this again, just to refresh my memory.

Honey, Grace Mayberry (not from Andy Grioffith country, honey; you better believe it!!!) is one piece of work. Delineated superbly by Margot. For starters, she lives in Montclair, New Jersey, which is what the show says, but which I, having been raised in suburban Jersey affluence, can tell you is actually UPPER Montclair. There are distinct differences between Montclair and UPPER Montclair.

And that Grace. A socialite. clinging to Jersey conformity to hide her secret. In a chilling scene, Chad Lowe as Jason Mayberry acts out his mother luring him in through childhood and adolescence. I guess hubby flew the coop because he got bad vibes about Grace. So when he goes, she makes Jason her surrogate husband and sex partner!!!!! Sick!!!!!

That routine about going to the theater, and spendint the night at Jason's, with designer clothes hanging in the closet????? Who are we kidding??????

No wonder Jason starts to kill. He starts small, by jabbing women from behind with hatpins, and savoring the experience. He graduates to murder, when his company's personnel director enrages him with her career bitchiness. Now, I can understand gettting enraged over this, lambs, but don't kill her; just call her a bitch, and walk out!!!!!!! But, wait, it gets better!!!! It turns out this was the VERY FIRST episode to mark the appearance of B.D.Wong as Dr. George Huang!!!!! And, darlings, with his preppy look and wire rimmmed glasses, he is SOOOOOOOOO cute!!!!!!!!!!! He figures things out, of course, and says after each attack Jason went home to Mother for comfort, even though he did not like her, or Upper Montclair!!!!! And you know what????? B.D. is right, because this episode contains one memorable ending. Going to the home, they find the door open, the house silent. When they get upstairs, the room is blood spattered, and Grace and Jason are in bed, naked, covered in blood. Except Grace is dead, and Jason, alive, but now completely over the edge, delivers the classic closing line--"I told her I wasn't a little boy anymore." Wow!!!! Jason finally achieved the goal he had working up to all along--killing Mother!!!!! His all-time favorite movie must be "Picture Mommy Dead."

You have to feel sorry for Jason, for how Grace victimized him. But you have to be sorry that he had to attack and kill others before achieving his true goal. Just like you felt sorry for Katie's victimization by Elaine, but cannot condone her killing Marnie. At least Jason finally got the right target. And in both Elaine 's and Grace's case, we would love to know what made them that way!!!!!!

So, girls, I don't want to hear any more sexism rants about this show!!!! The rogue's gallery I have produced alone here should suffice. And there are probably others I am overlooking. If so, girls, feel free to let me know!!!!!!!

But kudos to 'SVU' for showing the seamy side of BOTH sexes!!!!!!!

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