Monday, April 18, 2011

Girls, Can You Believe It Is Holy Week?????????????

It certainly took its time about getting here, this year, I can tell you!!!!!! And a belated Happy Palm Sunday, to all my girls!!!!!!!! Did we all get our palms????? I have to confess I missed out this year, as Monsieur and I were running around as usual. And this evening--hold onto your hats, darlings!!!!--I am going to my VERY FIRST Passover Seder. Actually, it is a simple restaurant dinner, with Monsieur at a kosher restaurant, but who says I do not go all the way when it comes to Holy Week? And I can hear some of you saying, knowing I grew up in that Jewish enclave known as Highland Park, New Jersey, "It's about time!" Like Katherine Hepburn, when she first attended the Oscar ceremonies!!!!!!!!

So we are off to a running start--Spy Wednesday, Maundy (still don't know what that word means) or Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and then Easter Sunday. Are your bonnets ready, darlings????? We are awaiting the arrival in the mail of the DVD of "Night Of The Lepus," which I am DETERMINED will be our Easter film. If not, of course we will settle for the Judy Garland classic, "Easter Parade."

Make sure you are extra good this week, girls, if you want the Easter Bunny to deliver that candy. And doesn't that candy effect us differently, now that we are older? But don't let age stand in the way of sugared pleasures, dears, just be extra careful with that intake!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hop down that Bunny trail, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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