Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Girls, It Is Time To Give Tuesday Its Due!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, lambs, I am not talking about Tuesday Weld, or even the Rolling Stones song classic, "Ruby Tuesday," both of which are fabulous. I am talking about the weekday's secondary status--right between Monday, a day distinguished by dislike as it signals a return to work/school, and Wednesday, which marks the week's halfway point, and hope for the weekend. Things get even worse during Holy Week, with Palm Sunday, then nothing until Spy Wednesday. Tuesday cannot get a break.

There was a TV commercial, for what I cannot remember, years ago, where a guy dressed up in a funny suit and said "Hi, I'm Tuesday, the most underrated day of the week. He went on in like manner, and I have to say, as Bette Davis would, Honey child did have a point.

When I was growing up Tuesdays was Girls Night Out, when my two otherwise straitlaced grannies would hit the local Bingo parlor, and try to score big. Later on in the adult life of yours truly, it seemed Tuesday was always a day I would be going to therapy, which to me should signify it as a day of mental sanity, or at least of keeping me reasonably sane. Which it has.

The old rhyme says "Tuesday's child is full of grace." Much as I would like to take credit, I cannot, I was born on a Thursday. And "Thursday's child has far to go!!!!!" Just like me, darlings!!!!!!!!! At least I outlasted Wednesday, whose child is "full of woe."

So, let's hear it for Tuesday!!!!!!!!! Bingo, Psychotherapy, and Pancakes (on SHROVE Tuesday) should be enough to have it step up in class!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I know all my girls do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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