Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Girls, Imagine Frank Sinatra As A Homosexual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, darlings, before you all go fainting all over the place; before the Nursing Home set lam basts me for blasting an icon; before I am banned from every Italian eatery in the NYC area, and the Mob comes after me, let me say I am not claiming that Frank Sinatra was gay!!!!!!!!! Not that there would be anything wrong with it, loves!!!!!!! But not at all!!!!!!! Read on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a literary move afoot to restore, digitally if not textually, though I hope that does come about, sections of James Jones' massive and classic WWII novel, "From Here To Eternity," which, having first been published in 1951, turns 60 this year. At publication time, the book was pretty racy, what with extramarital sex, a woman having to undergo a hysterectomy, and venereal disease caught from her husband being a cause. But apparently, there were things the editors felt back then Jones could not put in to the novel, and with the cooperation of his daughter, Kaylie Jones, these will be restored.

The first involve the use of four letter words and expletives, as common in the Army then as they are now. The second is a focus on homosexual activity in the military.

The most shocking instance, involves the character of Angelo Maggio, who was played by Frank Sinatra to an Oscar winning performance in the movie, whether his Oscar was purchased or not. (I have seen the film recently, and, honey, he did a good job!!!!!) In the restored section of the novel, Maggio confesses he has oral sex once a month with a wealthy older man (who I presume does him!) to earn an extra $5 to $10 a month, to tide him over. Would he be amazed what that would go on the market now!!!!!!!!!!

Imagine, darlings, if this had been left in the book, and imagine if Frank Sinatra had played this in the movie!!!!!!!! Oh, my God!!!!!!!! First of all, I don't think he would, and second, if he had, there would certainly have been no "High Hopes," or "A Hole In The Head." It is enough that he gets beaten to death in the stockade by "Fatso" (played by Ernest Borgnine, interestingly the only member of this film's illustrious cast who is still alive!!). But just think what this does to the character of Maggio!!!!!!!!!

The second item, less specific, involves bureaucratic investigation into homosexual activity. Now, I don't think it was until Rod Steiger's 1968 portrait of "The Sergeant," that this was even dealt with. It would have been a revelation, back in 1951.

And, girls, it would be a revelation today, as it would add more controversy to an already controversial work. I mean, come on, James Jones went on to write the famous underwater masturbation scene in "Go To The Widow-Maker," which all MY girls remember during their adolescence, so what is the difference now??????

Let's hope a hard copy text with these changes surfaces. I for one will buy and reread it. Maybe while listening to "High Hopes," darlings!!!!!!!!!

Not to worry, dears. I NEVER had the hots for Frank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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