Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Girls, These Are Sins Of Glaring Omission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, obviously I was not thinking clearly yesterday. When I did my post on twisted 'SVU' women, I neglected to mention a couple of gems--first of all, Sarah Paulson, as sociopath socialite Ann Gillette, whom we just LOVE, and gave a posting of her own back in November, when her story was orginally aired. Then there was that unforgettable Daddy's Girl, Chantelle, memorably played by Melissa Farman in the episode "Sugar," who was more Spice and Not Nice than Sugar and who certainly took care of Daddy at the end!!!!!!!!! Heh! Heh!!!!!!!!!!

But how could I forget Emma Spevak, so memorably portrayed by Jane Krakowski in the episode, "Bound?" Emma is one piece of work, a second born twin who was made to feel second rate her entire life. Her mother favored her brother, and her brother led a charmed life, albeit one laden down with debt he had to do dirty work for--bilking rich old ladies--in order to keep afloat. He becomes an MD, but Emma follows right behind and becomes an RN. Smart girl, that Emma!!!!!!! But, with all this pent up resentment, which darlings, is something you know I know about, it has to go somewhere, which it does, starting with killing Mommmy, then killing every old broad in sight, culminating in killing whom she wanted to kill next to Mama--her brother, Matt.

Listen, I can relate to Emma. I know what it was like--being passed over socially by the Roberta group, not to mention selected to take Algebra in eighth grade or chosen for the National Honor Society in high school. But I certainly do not go around and kill everyone about it, do I???? Of course not. I simply let loose on those with my blog. Does it make a difference? You bet. Do I feel better for it? You better believe it!!!!!! And it is safer and more satisfying, not to mention less time consuming, than hunting people down, and killing them. Honey, this is as good as walking up to Diane Dykeman in the hallway, and telling her exactly what I think. Of course, I still would tell her off in person, but just in case said time does not come, here we are, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How refereshing to see a skillful comedic actress like Jane sink her dramatic chops into Emma. You know she is just having a rip roaring old time. Just like I would have, playing a psychopath or deviant on this show. How about a guy who burns garbage cans, while singing "I'm The Greatest Star"???? Now, THAT is defintely a role I could sink my teeth into!!!!!

And that ending, with tears pouring down Jane's face, and Olivia asks her the names of her other victims. The answer is chilling and unforgettable--"They were all called....Mama!" Chilling and brilliant!!!!!!!!!!

But kudos to Jane for sinking her teeth into her role, and adding another notch to the Rogue's Gallery of Twisted 'SVU' women.

You are all MY twisted, girls, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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