Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Darlings, Another Sure Sign Of Spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I know Prosperina has returned, and so have those Capistrano swallows, but yesterday, while on a dinner break, while working the night shift, I saw MY first genuine sign of Spiong>

My first sighted ice cream truck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was red, and I think derivative of, but not Mister Sofee, who is copyrighted blue and white. Maybe this is Mr. Stiffy!!!!!!!! And we know somehting about that, don't we, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was so tempted to get a vanilla milkshake, but I simply had to move on. The truck was silent--no bells, whistles or theme music, but as the season expands that will change. So let us welcome another sure sign of Spring--one of THE signs for yours truly, the Raving Queen!!!!!!!!!

Lick that cream, you bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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