Monday, April 4, 2011

Oh. My God!!!!!!!!!!! Girls!!!!!!!!!!! Do You Know What Opened Forty Years Ago Tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, with all that has been going on, things have just gone under my wire. Today happens to be April 4, which is the anniversary of two events in my life, which are minor compared to the subject bar. Nevertheless I will mention them. The first is, 28 years ago, being attacked by that spinster harridan, Dorothy Swerdlove. The second is, 23 years ago, when I was living in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, I was mugged and robbed on the same might. I think I have recorded this elsewhere, so let us get on to more positive things.

Forty years ago tonight, at the Winter Garden Theatre, in New York (where else, darlings??) the curtain went up on one of the greatest of all musicals--Stephen Sondheim's "Follies."

Would you believe, girls, I was sweet sixteen, and pure as angel cake???????? Just like now, loves!!!!!! Yes, that's right!!!!!!!!!! Shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I knew about this show even then, and over the years, the Original Production has become Legend, for in look and tone, nothing, not even subsequent revivals, have come near it. I recall listening to the Original Cast Album for the first time, picturing myself in the darkened Winter Garden, as the drum roll built, the music struck, and there we were plunged into a world of ethereal darkness and theatricality. The first time I heard "Too Many Mornings," I fainted. The first time I heard Dorothy Collins do "Losing My Mind," I knew I had a long way to go as a show stopper. And when Alexis Smith did 'Lucy and Jessie' it made me want to dance.
And this was before "A Chorus Line," which was, by the way, staged by the same man who did "Follies," that genius Michael Bennett. Hal Prince took co-direction credit, but when you look at production photos, there is no question that the look of "Follies" came from the conceptual virtuosity of Michael Bennett.

So, girls, you know what I am going to do this evening. I am going to do my best to go back to that moment in time. When I get home, and settled in, I am going to put my headphones on, the "Follies" CD on, and relive the magic of what must have been a magical night of musical theater. The kind we so seldom have these days!!!!!!!!!!

"Follies" at 40 is looking fabulous, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!! Just like all MY girls!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait for us all to dance the Mirror Number!!!!!!!!!!!

Lord, Lord, Lord, that Woman is ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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