Monday, May 2, 2011

Another Tradition Upheld, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to say, darlings, May is an interesting month. It is associated with flowers, which are supposed to bloom, thanks to those fabled April showers. There is Mother's Day. There is May Day, which was yesterday, and involves dancing around a Maypole. But who does that anymore???????? Not even when I was in grade school, loves. And that was quite awhile ago!!!!!!!!!!

My all-time favorite musical, "Mame," opened this month (May 24, 1966). No doubt I will listen to it that night, but every May 1, I kick off the month with a particular song--Julie Andrews' flawless rendition of "The Lusty Month Of May" from "Camelot." You can't beat its lyrical beat--"Those dreary vows that eveyone makes/Everyone breaks/Everyone makes divine mistakes." I mean, find me such brilliance today!!!!!!! And after 'Spider Man', even the theme song to "The Brady Bunch" sounds prosaic.

It would not be May 1st without Julie and this song. And in spite of the whiirlwind I was swept up by, time was taken to listen to this classic. Still as great as always!!!!!!!!!!!

May also marks the halfway point for me, regarding my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!

But who is counting??????? And my PROFESSIONAL age is still 24!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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