Monday, May 2, 2011

Ding! Dong! The Witch Is Dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How could I resist this one, girls, especially as the first thing I heard when I woke up this morning was that Osama Bin Laden was dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was almost too good to be true! And let me say, that while I may post about this, there is no way I am going to post a picture of him. For one thing, he was just too EVIL and for another he was Just Too UGLY!!!!!!! I mean, the man looked as though he never took a bath, and I would not be surprised if that was true. And that horrible, scraggly beard??????? I bet you anything it was crawling with lice!!! It makes me want to go home and shampoo this evening!!!!!!!!!!!

And here all the while, I thought he was one neighborhood over from me in Jackson Heights. That was actually a rumor a few years back; so was him being in Jersey City. Wherever he ended up, he crawled like a bug back into the dwelling where he was finally apprehended, after killing over 3,00 en masse, altering not only the lives of the families of those 3,000, but our entire culture in general.

Listen, you dead bitch, I love to travel, bur now, thanks to YOU, it has become such an ordeal--removing clothes, body searches; I am generally at the airport three hours before my flight, thanks to all this. At least it gives me some time to read, but the pushing and shoving in lines, the speculation about delayed or missed flights; I do this all week with the subway; why must I suffer more when I want to travel??????

It is just one legacy this scum has left us. Not to mention a decimated emotional state that has not quite recovered itself since 9/11. Especially for those of us living in or near New York City.

So, let the joyous news be spread, the wicked old witch at last is dead!!!!!! Next to Bin Laden, those Oz witches were glamour gals!!!!!!!!!! They DID share the ruby slippers, after all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great evening, darlings!!!!!!!!! He's gone where the goblins go...below!!!!!!!!!

Burnt to a crisp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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