Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Good Golly, Miss Molly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We haven't heard much from or about Molly Wei in relation to the Tyler Clementi tragedy, but details are starting to emerge now. One of these is that on March 1 she applied for admission into a pretrial intervention program, which allows nonviolent offenders to expunge their criminal records through probationary acts.

Speaking, as an outsider, darlings, Miss Wei is the most ambiguous and fascinating individual in this situation. Tyler Clementi and Dharun Ravi are clearly cast in their roles of victim and victimizer. But Miss Wei is a bit more murky.

It is her participation, cooperation or lack thereof, that is least known. How much did she participate in Ravi's scheme? Has she cooperated with prosecutors, and/or testified to some degree against Ravi? All have been speculated but none are known.

I have some speculations of mine own, darlings. One is that Miss Wei is like the thief who isn't the least bit sorry he stole, but awfully sorry he is going to jail. I think her efforts here are those of a desperate woman.

What gets me about Miss Wei is she had at least two chances to be the Voice of Conscience in all this. Had she assumed this role, Tyler Clementi might still be alive. Where was this conscience as Ravi broadcast this tryst from her room? Why didn't she, at some point, say, "You know, this is wrong; we shouldn't be doing this."

Because it was, whether Clementi killed himself or not. That he did, and that neither seem to be displaying any sign of remorse, not so much as issuing an "I am SO sorry" to the Clementis indicates to me a lack of empathy, and a desire of both parties to intimidate a very vulnerable young man.

Kudos to the reporter on NJ.COM yesterday, who maintained Wei should have some kind of record. That she should be put through the court system. While the scheme was hatched and set up by Ravi, she was clearly complicit in its carrying out.

If they had done this in Junior or Senior high, it would have been just as tragic, but then the actuality of mere youth plus the culture of those school years would factor in. Now, Ravi and Wei had been HS classmates, which factor things in to a point, but all of them--Clementi, too--were small fish in a very large pond, having just barely arrived at college. In my day, certainly the first semester of college was very tentative; what with being in an unfamiliar environment, and perhaps nursing a desire to put aside bad experiences of the past, my age group looked upon college as a clean slate, from which we could do anything, even reinvent ourselves. The actions of Ravi and Wei against Tyler Clementi indicate a desire to continue along the same path they traveled for the past twelve years.

Only legal officials can determine if those years included past intimidation incidents as well. Only a forensics lab can determine if Tyler had been on or off meds, or, from the family, if he had a history of some kind of emotional disequilibrium.

All of which is needed to understand both the motives of these two perps, and that of Clementi in ending his life. But the latter has been done; as the reporter said yesterday, whatever the outcome, Ravi and Wei will at some point be able to pick up the pieces of their lives and reassemble. Tyler Clementi will not have that option.

Were I their age, I would be crying out right now for Salem, Massachusetts justice. But several decades removed, I can only say, while they may not have PLANNED to cause Tyler Clementi's death--I don't believe Tyler did until it came to THE MOMENT determining such--there is no escaping that jointly they engineered it.

Their crime was heinous and hateful. And that is why I will Not post their pics on here. I do not want to have to look at them every time I flip thorugh this blog.

Look at yourselves in the mirror, instead, darlings!!!!!!! Much prettier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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