Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Darlings, Where The Hell Is My TONY Nomination?????????

Girls, once again I am shut out of the running for the TONY Awards!!!!!!! And after the performance I give each day in something called "The Drama Desk," which has no rehearsals, and nothing is EVER predetermined. With this kind of spontaneity, I should do one person shows, like Anna Deavere Smith!!!!

Still, I was not the only shut out of the running this year. Poor Daniel Radcliffe. Comes over here, works his little buns off in prestige properties like "Equus" and 'How To Succeed......" and yet, for the latter, John Lauaquette, playing J.B. Biggley, and Tammy Blanchard, as Hedy La Rue, get nominated, but not Daniel, who has to carry this show????????? Like the line in "The Producers" goes, "Who do you have to fuck to get a break in this town????????"

Which explains a lot about why I am not working on Broadway!!!!!!!!!!!

I also think "Priscilla, Queen Of The Dessert" should have been nominated for a Best Musical. Several years ago, when it was new, "Mamma Mia!" was. And as a stage vehicle, I think 'Priscilla' works better than 'Mamma'. But, then, not only was I not nomianted, I was not even on the nominating committee, where I could at least shoot off my big mouth!!!!!!! Like I am doing here!!!!!!!!!

Let's see--"Catch Me If You Can?" for Best Musical???????? After the reviews it got???????? No one in my circle, girls, has even seen it, or talked about seeing it. Too bad "The Scottsboro Boys" is no longer running; something I actually wanted to see that deserves to be seen. But who has a change now????????

How about Best Musical Revival?????? Just two contenders--"Anything Goes" and the aforementioned 'How To Succeed.' Just dust off the award to the Cole Porter show, honey; this is NO contest!!!!!!!!!!

The plays are an interesting lot. I knew that after all the fuss it received "Jerusalem" would get a nod. Same with Mark Ryland, who I think is the only thing in it deserving of distinction. But they went hog wild over this one, naming it in every category they could. I am much more excited about "Good People," even though I have banging down the door to get in, and have not yet been able to see it.

Imagine two genuine classics contending for Play Revival. "The Merchant Of Venice," which I knew I should have seen, and "The Importance Of Being Earnest", which, having assayed the role of Miss Prism just a month before, I won't.

"The Normal Heart" may be the most depressing play in town, but things sure are sweet over there. Imagine "straight outta Queens" Ellen Barkin being a TONY contender????????? Who'd a thunk it???????? And Joe Mantello cited for acting, the first time since playing Louis in the original "Angels In America." Not to metnnion John Benjamin Hickey. This is the one I want to see, and the one I cannot get anybody to go with. I feel like I am back in my spinster days!!!!!! I may have to march in there bravely, and subject myself to this brilliant polemic piece--which I first saw at the Public Theater back in 1985-- myself. It seems a shoo in for the Best Play revival!!!!!!!!!!!

And we are just thrilled for Frances McDormand in "Good People"!

Hey, my Rhoda Penmark in this year's LPA rendering of "The Bad Seed" was chilling, and certainly should have earned me a TONY nod. I feel like Barbra in "Funny Girl"--it's tough being the Greatest Star, and no one knows it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just wait till I play Mary in "The Children's Hour!!!!" Or the corrupt Nazi youth in "Tomorrow, The World!!!!!" That will show them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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