Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Darlings, An Anniversary Both Of Trauma And Celebration!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, girls, this has nothing to do this time with Tyler Clementi. It is actually about yours truly.

Remember that fun Milton Bradley game, "Operation," where YOU get to be the doctor? Well,that was me this morning back in 1966, when I was having open heart surgery done on me at New York Hospital, Cornell Medical Center. The experience was traumatic; the results, celebratory, because, thanks to it, I am here, writing to all of you. I mean, who would have thought?

It is also the birthday of my second cousin, Christopher, whom I have nothing against, but whose mother, my control queen cousin Judy, and her father, did some numbers on me when I was younger. I would not put it pass Judy to have deliberately given birth to Christopher on this day. She could have had him on the 11th or 12th!!!!! Hold in in, for God's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, no she just wanted to upstage MY day. As if I could be upstaged, loves!!!!!! And she knows that, and pretty soon, will find out!!!!!!! I have the goods on her!!!!!!!!!

I wish I could say I was as svelte as a dancer. I still have the flexibility, but time has done its work. Though my PROFESSIONAL age is still 24!!!!!!!!!!!

So how am I going to celebrate? Steak and Hagen Dasz ice cream?????

I don't think so; I think I will go home, have a light meal, read, and crash!!!!!! In order to keep pace with my excitement, some nights have to be unexciting.

So I want all my girls to go out tonight and have some excitement on MY behalf!!!!!!!!

Happy Anniversary, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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