Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Girls, You Will Not Believe Who Is Coming To Town!!!!!!!!!

I can barey believe it myself, but here it is-- Meryl Streep and Amy Adams!!!!!!!!!

That is right. Meryl and Amy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, no one has told me anything!!!!!!!!! Even with a celll phone, I haven't heard a word from Meryl or Amy as to lunch, or anything. But on the evening of June 1, over at Avery Fisher Hall, they will be involved in a reading of Alan Alda's new play--"Radiance:The Passion Of Madame Curie." This will be a far cry from the 1943 MGM Greer Garson-Walter Pidgeon film, that featured Margaret 0'Brien in one of her earliest performances.

And get this--the evening is a Benefit, for something called the World Science Organization. Which means tickets start at $250, go to $500, and end at $1,000>

Honey, I can barely cough up what it takes to see a Broadway show!!!!!!! And now this!!!!!!!! Why don't they do the benefit, but on another night, give REAL theatergoers--the kind who KNOW art, but cannot afford this, as opposed to those who can but do NOT know art--a chance?????? If Meryl, Amy, or someone close to them is onto this blog, then heed this message--

Hey, Girls, how about giving the rest of us who adore you a chance?????

Some other high powered types, such as Allison Janney and David Morse, will be there, too. You can bet if this play does an open run on Broadway, it will not have a cast like this!!!!!!! With any luck, we will probably end up with Nicole Kidman after another one of her face lifts!!!!!!! Maybe Joan Rivers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I don't want to bitch. I just want to empower theatergoers to be able to see this cast. How about listening to the Raving Queen, people????????

My wardrobe alone for this night is going to set me back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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