Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Darlings, This Is Sheer Gall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As they say in "The Producers"--"Who do you have to fuck, to get a break, in this town?"

Why not ask Carla Gugino????????

That is right, Miss Gugino, who gets cast in all the wrong things--Maggie in "After The Fall," Catherine Holly in "Suddenly, Last Summer,"-- is now going to do something that should be stopped. At Long Wharf Theatre, she is going to be in a stage adaptation of "Sophie's Choice."

You heard me. The same story that 29 years ago was done definitively as a film with a definitive performance by Meryl Streep. Hey, Meryl, this must be you day on this blog--two posts in one day!!!!!!!!!

This is equivalent, in dramatic terms, to someone taking on the role of Fanny Brice in a revival of "Funny Girl." Which Lea Michelle THINKS she is going to do, but who are we kidding??????? And who does Gugino think she is kidding--taking on a role originated by Meryl Streep!!!!!!!!!!! She can't possibly compare. Added to which, she has about as much vulnerability in playing a disturbed Holocaust survivor as I have straightness for Stanley Kowalski!!!!!!!! Her stage persona is about as vulnerable as a Mack Truck!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does Long Wharf think this will go any farther???????? And if it does come to New York, heaven help it and Miss Gugino!!!!!!!!!

This is too much for me to bear!!!!!!!! And allergies on top of this!!!!!!! Time to retire with a cool drink and a cold compress!!!!!!!

Because if Carla can play Sophie, then I can play Mamma Rose!!!!!!!!!!!!

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