Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Darlings, Just Because You Live In New York City Does Not Mean You Don't Get Allergies!!!!!!!!

Once upon a time, girls--and, yes, there actually was a time--when I was young and naive, I thought that when I finally made it to the city, my allergies would disappear. Many of my friends (like Joe and Norman) who still reside in suburbia, think urban living puts the kibosh on allergies. Well, I am living proof, honey, that they don't.

For one thing, I happen to work near one of the biggest and most famous parks in the world--Central!!!!!! And when the wind gets going, the pollen drifts across town, just like Roman Polanski's camera tracking west during the opening credits of "Rosemary's Baby." This season, the allergies have been so bad, if I could make a deal with the Castevets I just might. But of what use could I be to them, lacking in a few fundamentals???????

I can deal with the sneezing, but the eyes are the worst. Itchy, watery, irritating; this morning, I think something flared up, where it felt like I had a stone in there. I cold compressed it, fought hysterics, till eventually it went away. Fortunately, my vision was never impaired, but when your eyes are a way of life--reading being a primary pleasure--you want to keep them as long as you can.

So a doctor visit is in order for Friday, but till then, the allergies don't let up. Maybe if I stayed in my apartment 24hrs, but, hell, who can handle that kind of solitude, except when one is sick?????

Of course, if money were no object, I would go to Lourdes, with my 8 by 10 of Jennifer Jones, and hope for the best!!!!!!!!!!!! But something has to give, darlings, or I am telling you, I just MIGHT name myself Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!

And surely there are better bitches out there!!!!!!! Stay tuned tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!

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