Friday, May 13, 2011

Girls, We Have Work To Do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a day, darlings!!!!! My day off, and nothing but errands, errands, errands!!!!! And technical malfeasance. I do not know hat happened, but yesterday, I posted my Bitch Of The Week column--and it is gone!!!! Maybe because the photo I posted of the winner was just too revealing????? Listen, I apologize!!!!!!! But I know MY girls--they can take it!!!!!!!!! But, to reiterate.

The winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award was a man I can only identify as Bubba. This gentleman, alleged to be high on PCP, went off his nut--literally, I mean, wait till you hear girls!!!--on May 2, while riding a Bronx bound number 6 train. He starts off by increasingly erratic movement and shouting, building up to racial epithets toward African Americans, with plenty of use of the "N" word, to be sure. He begins disrobing, down to his very nice boxers. From what I saw, girls, this 41 year old did not have a bad body, and, believe me if he had done this on the #1 line, near Christopher Street, it would have been a different story. Once nude, he switched his verbal attacks to Jews. As I said, this was not a local wacko, because, if he were, gays and Muslims would have been included. My guess is he was from out of town, and somewhere South of the Mason Dixon line.

Passengers are screaming and oohing in shock. Apparently, there was a cop on the train, to whom Bubba directed the "N" word. So, why didn't he do anything????
Are people so cowed by a naked man dangling his Johnson that they freeze in terror???? Girls, this is where being gay has its advantages--the average gay man on a Saturday night, if single, sees at least one Johnson--not his own--per evening; after a time, the whole thing becomes so ho hum that jonesin' for Johnson is just not enough. Maybe if Bubba had been doing this, he'd have gotten better results.

But no--he alights at the Hunt's Point stop, where he proceeds to walk up the stairs, accost a woman, grab her package, and shove it down on the ground, furiously. And still the cops don't react!!!! Get Chris and Mariska--quick!!!!!!

Finally some cops and volunteers do drag him down, while a bystander catches the whole thing on video, which is how I know about all this.

Hopefully, once he came down, he realized what a fool he was, and split town in embarrassment!!!!!

With my luck, he was probably hired at Conde Nast for Vogue by Andre Leon Talley!!!!!

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