Friday, May 13, 2011

First Of All, Darlings, Why Wasn't I Cast???????

I am only now getting around to discussing Wednesday's fascinating, though rather disappointing 'SVU' episode, entitled "Delinquent." The hype on this one was that guest star Sterling Beaumon (of "LOST") was going to give a performance that would redefine the phrase "bad seed." As one who LOVES "bad seeds", and has played a few myself, I was all set for a highlight of the season.

Actually, the REAL performance was Rita Wilson as Bree Mazelin, mother of Hunter. Her obtuseness, cluelessness and negligence combine to make her both hateful and sympathetic, since her situation is ultimately tragic. Sweetheart, when your child turns out to be a sociopath, it usually is!!!!!!!!!

So, Beaumon, as Hunter, is playing a 14- year- old sociopath. Trouble is, it is a one note, one horse performance, with no subtext, no clues to what lies underneath to get at the roots of his psychosis. Look at this; Uta Hagen has not been dead five years, and already acting technique is going down the tubes!!!!!! When is Meryl going to teach?????

Honey, I have enough technique to do this role, plus I can CERTAINLY play someone aged 14. But Hunter turns out to be a serial rapist, and that is where I draw the line. I do NOT play rapists, and thank God there were no rape scenes, because I would not play that!!!!! And I don't think Beaumon could pull that off, either!!!!!

The best moment was Hunter and Elliot going at it!!!!! I could have played that with NO problem, you better believe it, girls!!! And we LOVE seeing Isabel Gilles as Kathy!!!!!!

But this episode was a no brainer. Hunter is a lifelong sociopath, and his mother should have been slapped silly!!!!! And B.D. Wong was missing. Get him back!!!!

The role of Hunter should have been MINE!!!! If I had an agent, I would have fired him, for not sending me up for this!!!!!!

All my girls know I can act!!!!!! I mean, each day I go to work, and act relatively sane!!!! And that is QUITE a performance!!!!!!

I say, team up Hunter with Sarah Paulson as Ann Gillette!!!!! She will show him what sociopathy is about!!!!!!

And give him FABULOUS fashion tips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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