Sunday, May 1, 2011

Darlings, There Were More Screaming Queen Here Than At The Metropolitan Opera!!!!!!

So much to cover, girls, so let's get started!
Monsieur and I were planning a quiet weekend, or at least evening, at my place. But you know what happens to the best laid plans, or the best plans laid, depending on one's perspective. Anyway, he was supposed to meet me after work, I get outside--and no one in sight! A phone call reveals he cannot go anywhere--it seems the #1 train is not running, due to a signal malfunction. So we agree to meet at that gateway to the world, the 42nd Street station, only to discover we are screwed--the train line out to my nabe is not running, either!!!

Shit! Leave it to the subway to screw things up!!!!! What could we do??? We could go to Monsieur's, but that would throw things back, as we needed to get to Queens. Suddenly, we had a brilliant idea--why not go to the tkts booth, and see what is there. If we went to a show, by then the train problem should be solved. I hope. But in this town, you never know!!!!!

We made it to the booth, where I promptly scouted out our options--there was "How To Succeed...." "Priscilla, Queen Of The Dessert," "The Normal Heart," and, while I had been fervently hoping for "Good People," which I have been trying to see for months, it was not up. Nor was "Sister Act!" And after the reviews "The Normal Heart " got, seeing it up there surprised the bejesus out of me!!!!!

We made our way to the top of the line. Our first choice, "How To Succeed..." was down to only one ticket. And we were not up to pulling that old Lucy and Ethel routine!!! Monsieur just would NOT go to "The Normal Heart;" well, I suppose it is no way to start a weekend. Save this polemic piece for a weeknight. We had both wanted to see 'Priscilla', and I had heard nothing but raves from friends and coworkers, so we opted for that!!!!

Let me tell you, darlings, any show that opens with three drag queens descending from above, suspended on wires, and lip synching to "It's Raining Men!" is going to have the Raving Queen raving!!!!! But it did not stop there. From the first to last moment, this show did not stop moving!!!! The lights, the colors, the costumes!!!!! Better than a gay bar on Friday night!!!! My favorite moment was the little dance routine around the bus, set to "Go West!" The lighting designers had a field day, because that is how the bus changed color. The costumers had an even bigger field day, managing to duplicate onstage the famous shot of Tick sitting atop the bus, listening to opera, with his cape flowing out!!!!!! Gorgeous!!!!!!
And some of the dancers' outfits--especially the paintbrushes and cupcakes--you have to see it to know what I mean--showed me how much is still owed to that great American concept musical, "Follies." Art perpetuates itself, no matter how vintage!!!!

Everyone does a superb job, especially Will Swenson as Bernadette (!!!!), whom you may remember as the Terrence Stamp role!!!! But the audience performs, too. I mean, who says gay and straight communities cannot unite, because, beneath the roof of the Palace Theatre, both groups screamed louder after every number than the most vicious set of opera queens you could imagine. Now, opera queens will deny they are not vicious, but having been to the Met, and personally seen bitch fests and program slapping over the merits of Renata Tebaldi over Tattianna Troyanis, I can report this does not go on among theater queens. They may care about staging and technique, but I have never seen fights break out, because a current Amalia did not sing "Ice Cream" like Barbara Cook (even if she did not!!!) or a present day Cassie not dancing the role like Donna McKechnie (as if anyone else could!!!!!).

The important thing, girls, is everyone had a good time. As the curtain came down, I was actually thinking of asking a group of firefighters out for coffee!!!! Bet they knew those fashions better than one might expect.

If you are one of MY girls, you have got to see 'Priscilla'. It is a no brainer, but never insulting. A nonstop evening of glammed up fun!!!!! Just what Monsieur and I needed after a screwed up transit system.

Which did clear up, when we got out. Oh, and for those who know the movie, I know what you are asking--does Bob's Asian wife, Cynthia, do the ping pong ball trick??? She does, and somehow it is tastefully rendered onstage--a true non singing showstopper. But I am warning you right now!!!!!!!!!

Do not--I repeat, DO NOT--try this at home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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