Friday, April 29, 2011

Darlings, This Is The Most Beautiful Sight I Have Seen All Spring!!!!!!!!!

Forget the Easter Parade, honey; that scene has crashed and burned!!! Now that Spring is truly starting to show its presence, the time has come to take note of some more ongoing examples of beauty. One of these I disocvered last night, while enroute to Monsieur's place. And I saw them again this morning.

The flowers--the red and yellow tulips in Anbingdon Square Park--are breathtaking, for the orange glow they give, especially enhanced by declining or rising sunlight. I have yet to see them midday, but I have no doubt they hold their own then.

There are many signs of Spring all over the place, and every one of my girls is sure to have a favorite. But these tulips are just so eye catching, situated as they are in the park, that they get my vote. The photo of them is nice, but seeing them live truly does them justice.

Sweeties, as they said on the "Price Is Right," "Come on down!"

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