Friday, April 29, 2011

O.K., O.K., Let's Talk About The Royal Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try as we might, there is just no getting around this topic today, girls. But, as the Raving Queen, it is fair to say that I will throw a different perspective onto things.

Forget the fact that I was not invited. I am over that. It would not have mattered, anyway, because to those of a Certain Age; ie; those of us who recall the wedding of Charles and Diana, nothing can compare to that. We all wanted to be Diana, on that day, darlings, because that gown she wore is one I would still kill for. Not that we were particularly envious of having to marry Prince Charles. But I will say this for Charles--they glammed him up enough to look presentable, in his blue uniform and sword, and with his ears probably held back by bobby pins or something, so he didn't look as though he and Eliot Spitzer were separated at birth!!!!!!

Next to this, Will and Kate's affair seems pretty tame, with them coming off simply as a couple of cute kids who decided to tie the knot. They just don't exude the sense of Royalty that Charles and Di did. Not that I do not wish them the best; I do. But the image is not so striking.

No wonder Daniel Radcliffe, America's foremost Britisher, thanks to Harry Potter, and now appearing on Broadway in 'How To Succeed', said UK'ers were more excited about their four day weekend than the ceremony itself!!! Hey, I could use a four day weekend! Or even a seven day one!!!!!! Will and Kate may be cute, but so are those fun loving friends of Monsieur, Alvin and Lorraine!!!!! What a pair they make, honey!!!!!!!!!

And while we are on the subjects of weddings, how about MINE???????? I can tell you this much--a date has not been SET, but, in this era of what they call "Destination Weddings," there is only ONE destination for yours truly--the Pierre in New York!!!!!! And the gown will be by Vera Wang!!!!!!!!!

All of which will be reported on when it happens. Meanwhile, the day has been acknowledged, so have a pint of ale, some bangers and mash, or however else you care to celebrate this ceremonious occasion.

Darlings, the DVD of "My Fair Lady" is good enough for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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