Thursday, April 28, 2011

Darlings, There Is A Lot Coming Up, And I Am Going To Need Your Help!!!!!!!

Girls, I am telling you, my life does not slow down; it speeds up. You would think I was Anna Wintour. And I don't know how Anna does it, running a fashion empire, yet always on the tennis court for her morning game at 6:45!!!!!!! At that hour of the morning, I am frantically hoping for the miracle that will enable me to crawl out of bed!!!!!!!

So much going on, lately. Saturday, Monsieur and I are headed to dinner and a show in Newark, NJ. Now, I have friends out there, but it takes a lot to get me to theater there. Well, at NJ PAC, they are doing--"A Chorus Line," which is always my show of choice, no matter where it is performed. In fact, this will be the first production I see NOT directly on the Broadway stage. Then we have to dash back to the city and head up to Tarrytown next day, for an art show and visit with some cousins. As if that weren't enough, Sunday is May 1, and while we will not be able to dance around a May Pole, we will have to play, from "Camelot", Julie Andrews' definitive rendition of "The Lusty Month Of May."

But the following Sunday, the 8th, Monsieur and I have an Anniversary approaching. One year of sheer delight. I just cannot decide how to celebrate it. So I am asking all my girls--if you have any suggestions for what should be done, send those suggestions forth. I can't make this a contest, so there is no prize, but if acted upon, I will certainly report back here.

Traditionally, the first anniversary is Paper, so I am thinking theater tkts!!!!! After the raves for last night's opening of "The Normal Heart" there is so much theater to see I could go broke seeing it, not to mention I would need vacation time, along with money, to see it all. This has not happened in a while, lambs.

Of course, there is also the Royal Wedding. But since no one invited me--tough!!!!!! Let's just hope the Queen does not rub out Kate like I still say she rubbed out Lady Di. I bet she was driving that car!!!!!!!

And on the day after, Saturday, my father, who, among other things, sat through the movie "Woodstock," with me, back in 1970, reaches the grand old age of 96!!!!!!!!! I think he has more get up and go than I do!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not even thinking about making 96, darlings!!!!!!! I just want to make it through this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!


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